[目的/意义]通过系统分析Transfer code of practice(《期刊迁移实践条例》)的内容、特点及应用情况,为我国期刊出版管理提供依据,为数字出版环境下出台符合我国国情的标准规范提供参考。[方法/过程]对美国《期刊迁移实践条例》的主要内容与作用、迁移示例、特点与功能等3个方面进行深入阐述。[结果/结论]建议由相关机构成立工作组共同研究我国网络期刊发展,注意避免任何参与者受到不公正待遇,主要解决在期刊迁移过程中期刊的购买者和使用者所面临的问题。
[Purpose/significance] By systematically analyzing the contents, characteristics and application of Transfer Code of Practice, this study intends to provide the foundation for the management of periodical publications in China, and give guidance to the creation of the Chinese version of standards and regulations for digital publishing.[Method/process] This study gives a detailed accounts of Transfer Code of Practice in terms of three aspects, namely main contents and goals, transfer examples, and characteristics and functions.[Result/conclusion] This study recommends related institutions and agencies to form a working group to conduct a collaborative research on the development of digital periodicals in China. Particular attention should be paid to preventing unequal treatment of any relevant parties. Issues associated with periodical subscribers and users should be solved during the transfer process.
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