Influence Factors Research on Health Information Source Selection of Individuals Based on Grounded Theory

  • Zhang Xin ,
  • Wang Dan
  • 1. College of Management, Hebei University, Baoding 071002;
    2. Information Center for Social Science, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100086

Received date: 2017-12-24

  Revised date: 2018-04-11

  Online published: 2018-07-20


[Purpose/significance] To investigate and analyze the influencing factors of individuals' health information source selection, helps to provide targeted basis for the construction of medical health information resources in China. It also helps to provide efficient service for the public health information acquisition. [Method/process] This study applied grounded theory to analyze the interview texts of 38 individuals' health information source selection behavior, including four stages: open coding, axis coding, selective coding and theoretical model construction. [Result/conclusion] The results indicate that the influence factors of health information source selection of individuals are related to individual conditions-motivation factors, perceived quality factors, relationship and structure factors and information source operation level. Finally, a theoretical framework of influence factors of individual's health information source selection is constructed.

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Zhang Xin , Wang Dan . Influence Factors Research on Health Information Source Selection of Individuals Based on Grounded Theory[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018 , 62(14) : 5 -13 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.14.001


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