[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to integrate and analyze the service data produced in daily work and service of the university library, and use infographic to visualize these service data, so that users can understand the service data and the meaning behind the data more easily.[Method/process] After determining the audience of the infographic, it collects service data from various ways, then cleans, integrates and analyzes these data, extracts the topics to be expressed, and uses an appropriate way to draw the infographic.[Result/conclusion] Practice shows that through reasonable visualization we can understand the utilization of all kinds of resources in the library much better, make clear the reader's demand, forecast the direction of the future work of the library, and provide the decision-making basis for the future work.
Qian Yin
Qu Jianfeng
. Infographic Expression and Empirical Research on Service Data of University Libraries[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(19)
: 39
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.19.005
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