收稿日期: 2013-01-04
修回日期: 2013-02-18
网络出版日期: 2013-03-05
Discussion on Citation Identity of Agriculture and Forestry University Libraries
Received date: 2013-01-04
Revised date: 2013-02-18
Online published: 2013-03-05
将引用认同方法应用于农林类高校图书馆研究特点和研究网络分析。结合《中国引文数据库》,计算"211"农林类高校图书馆2009-2011年引用认同指标,构建其互引认同网络;计算其标准化 (h,g,R)指数,并对各引用认同指标与其相关性进行分析。研究表明:引用认同可以反映出这些图书馆研究特点和研究偏好及对国外成果吸收借鉴的情况,国外机构引文/引文比、平均引用半衰期和平均即年引用指数与标准化(h,g,R)指数呈正相关,平均即年引用指数与标准化(h,g,R)指数有较强的相关性。
关键词: 农林类高校图书馆引用认同; 引用半衰期; 标准化(h,g,R)指数; 多次引用; 自引
刘颖 , 吉久明 . 农林类高校图书馆引用认同探讨[J]. 图书情报工作, 2013 , 57(05) : 101 -106 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.05.018
The citation identity is applied to analyze the research characteristics and networks of agriculture and forestry university libraries. Based on the Chinese Citation Database (CCD), this paper calculates the citation identity indices of "211" agriculture and forestry university libraries from 2009 to 2011 and develops its interacted identified networks, calculates the standard (h,g,R) indices of libraries and analyzes the citation identity indices and their correlations. The results show that the citation identity can reflect the research characteristics and preferences of libraries, and the utilization of foreign scientific literature; that the ratio of foreign institution citations to institutions, the average citing half-life, the average ratio of immediacy citations to current year citations are positively correlated with standard (h,g,R) indices; that there is significant correlation between the average ratio of immediacy citations to current year citations and standard (h,g,R) indices.
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