The Construction Mode of Depository Library and Storage in the Network Environment——The Construction Characteristics and Significances of French and German Libraries
Received date: 2012-11-06
Revised date: 2013-03-02
Online published: 2013-03-20
郭妮 , 李菡 . 网络环境下储存图书馆及储备书库建设模式——法、德两国图书馆建设特点及其借鉴[J]. 图书情报工作, 2013 , 57(06) : 97 -102 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.06.017
With the development of network technology and the rapid growth of low utilization documents, it is necessary to build the depository library and storage to preserve them. After introducing the construction modes in French and German, this paper suggests that Chinese depository library and storage construction should follow a scientific approach, as site selection, utilization of advanced technological instruments and digitization process outsourcing. With various methods of conversing and utilizing documents, the library should provide better service to readers.
Key words: network environment; depository library; storage; library construction
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