

  • 杨东谋 ,
  • 罗晋 ,
  • 王慧茹 ,
  • 项靖
  • 1. 台湾大学图书资讯学系;
    2. 台湾东华大学公共行政学系;
    3. 台湾政治大学企业管理学系;
    4. 台湾东海大学行政管理暨政策学系
杨东谋, 台湾大学图书资讯学系助理教授,E-mail:tmyang@ntu.edu.tw;罗晋, 台湾东华大学公共行政学系助理教授, 博士;王慧茹,台湾政治大学企业管理学系博士候选人;项靖,台湾东海大学行政管理暨政策学系教授。

收稿日期: 2013-04-10

  修回日期: 2013-05-04

  网络出版日期: 2013-05-20



Government Open Data and Value-added Information: Case Studies of Taiwan E-Government

  • Yang Tungmou ,
  • Lo Jin ,
  • Wang Huiju ,
  • Shiang Jing
  • 1. Department of Library and Information Science, Taiwan University, Taiwan 10617;
    2. Department of Public Administration, National Dong-hua University, Taiwan 97401;
    3. Department of Business Administration, Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan 11605;
    4. Department of Public Management and Policy, Tung-Hai University, Taiwan 40704

Received date: 2013-04-10

  Revised date: 2013-05-04

  Online published: 2013-05-20

Supported by





杨东谋 , 罗晋 , 王慧茹 , 项靖 . 政府开放数据与信息增值:台湾的经验与启示[J]. 图书情报工作, 2013 , 57(10) : 63 -69 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.10.010


This research explores the current development of government open data in Taiwan by using a case study methodology. The study finds out that government open data has evolved to maturity in Taiwan and the authority plans to make laws to form a comprehensive government open data. Statistics show that government open data directly affects the value-added information, because it could help the public to access the government open data more effectively and makes it easier for the public to create value-added government information. Six dimensions are suggested to focus on during the initial development of government open data. The six dimensions are legislation and policy, sharing approaches, technological standard and data format, types of open data, promotions of open data, and copyright and license.


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