收稿日期: 2013-07-04
修回日期: 2013-08-13
网络出版日期: 2013-09-20
Study on Construction of Knowledge Aggregation & Service System Based on the Chinese Local Chronicles
Received date: 2013-07-04
Revised date: 2013-08-13
Online published: 2013-09-20
李春明 , 萨蕾 , 梁蕙玮 . 基于地方志资源的知识聚合服务系统构建[J]. 图书情报工作, 2013 , 57(18) : 44 -47 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.18.008
This paper analyzes the requirements of knowledge aggregation for the library's local chronicles, and discusses the methods of local chronicles knowledge aggregation based on bibliographic relationship and ontology. And on this basis, this paper designs the architecture of knowledge aggregation & service system of local chronicles, explores the method of constructing ontology, automatic analysis technology of text and visualization technology in the knowledge aggregation system.
Key words: Chinese local chronicles; knowledge aggregation; ontology
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