针对目前图书馆个体馆藏资源不足和馆藏资源获取困难的现象,设计一种基于 GIS 的图书馆资源共享系统。在GIS系统设计过程中,数据库的设计是其核心组成部分。以安徽省芜湖市公共图书馆和高校图书馆为研究对象,从中心馆数据存贮模式的选择、空间数据库与属性数据库的构建以及各类数据的关联和集成等方面进行详细设计,认为系统电子地图服务功能的初步实现,可从整体上提升图书馆建设的水平,实现最大限度的信息资源共享。
In view of the shortage of individual resources and the difficulty to acquire collections in present library,database of library sharing system based on GIS has been designed. Database system design is the core components of library sharing system based on GIS. This paper takes the City and University Library in Wuhu region as the study object,then gives a detailed introduction of the system design process,including the choice of data storage model,the architecture of spatial database system and property database system, the association and integration of data,and finally introduces elementary implementation of the electronic map service functions in order to enhance the construction level of the overall libraries, achieving maximum information resource sharing.
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