收稿日期: 2014-06-24
修回日期: 2014-07-19
网络出版日期: 2014-08-20
Research on the System of Public Library Trustees in the US:Taking New York for Example
Received date: 2014-06-24
Revised date: 2014-07-19
Online published: 2014-08-20
Supported by
冯佳 . 美国公共图书馆理事制度研究——以纽约州为例[J]. 图书情报工作, 2014 , 58(16) : 57 -61 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.16.008
Library trustees could strengthen workers' cohesion and centripetal force, promote work implementation and social influence for the library. Library trustees should perform the duties and responsibilities, which have been clearly outlined, and library trustees should be restricted and specifications by the public library governing law, education law, laws for "public" institutions, regulations for the work of the board of trustees, library policies, and trustee ethics in the library field in America. Library trustees' communication and training platform have been provided by United for Libraries as the division of American Library Association, Library Trustees Association in New York, and New York Library Trustees Online. This as a reference, the construction and development of library trustees as the special group should not been ignored.
Key words: America; New York; public library; board of trustees system; trustees
[1] 李国新.推动法人治理 创新体制机制[EB/OL].[2014-05-20].http://news.idoican.com.cn/zgwenhuab/html/2014-04/25/content_5138722.htm?div=-1.
[2] Ethics and Conflicts Policy for Trustees, Officers and Key Employees[EB/OL].[2014-06-19].http://cdn-prod.www.aws.nypl.org/sites/default/files/trustee_officer_ee_policy_2014.pdf.
[3] Statement on the Governance Role of a Trustee or Board Member[EB/OL].[2014-05-03].http://www.regents.nysed.gov/about/stmt07.pdf.
[4] Kathleen de la Pena McCook. Introduction to public librarianship[M]. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers,2004:136-141.
[5] Nicholas J. Basic library law for trustees[EB/OL].[2014-05-20].http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/trustees/webinar131108.pdf.
[6] Nicholas J. What every trustee should know[EB/OL].[2014-05-20].http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/trustees/webinar130611.pps.
[7] United for Libraries. Public Library Trustee Ethics Statement[EB/OL].[2014-05-02].http://www.ala.org/united/sites/ala.org.united/files/content/trustees/orgtools/Ethics%20Statement.pdf.
[8] Handbook for Library Trustees in New York State(2010)[EB/OL].[2014-05-03].http://www.librarytrustees.org/handbook.php.
[9] The new voice for America's libraries[EB/OL].[2014-05-20].http://www.ala.org/united/about.
[10] Who we are[EB/OL].[2014-05-29]. http://www.librarytrustees.org/aboutus.php.
[11] Our mission[EB/OL].[2014-05-03]. http://www.librarytrustees.org/mission.php.
[12] About us[EB/OL].[2014-05-03].http://www.librarytrustees.org/board.php.
[13] New York Libraries Trustees Online[EB/OL].[2014-05-03]. http://www.nylto.org/.
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