收稿日期: 2014-07-11
修回日期: 2014-08-25
网络出版日期: 2014-10-05
The Definition of Literature of the Republic of China
Received date: 2014-07-11
Revised date: 2014-08-25
Online published: 2014-10-05
曾妍 , 袁佳红 , 王志昆 . 论民国文献的界定[J]. 图书情报工作, 2014 , 58(19) : 144 -148,143 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.19.022
The literature of the Republic of China is very clear on the historical stage, but its classification differs widely. From a logical point of view, the difference between ancient and modern literatures lies in the content with classical or modern Chinese, and in traditional or modern binding style. By the comparing literatures from late Qing dynasty to 1949 in editions of paperback binding, thread-bound, script, transcripts, foreign languages in paperback binding, overseas Chinese literature during period of Republic of China, to explain the different attributes, that is, the defining of literature of the republic of China is mainly based on: firstly, timeframe, from the first year to 38 years of the Republic of China (1912-1949). Secondly, the content and form, that is, in woodblock printing or typography printing; expression language is classical or modern Chinese; binding styles are traditional thread-bound, or overseas paperback style, etc.
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