收稿日期: 2014-10-07
修回日期: 2014-11-20
网络出版日期: 2014-12-05
Research on Scaffolding Tools for Information Literacy Educational Games
Received date: 2014-10-07
Revised date: 2014-11-20
Online published: 2014-12-05
在分析总结支架理论、应用及典型教育游戏案例的基础上, 结合信息素质自身特点, 认为信息素质教育游戏中的学习支架具有传递知识、指导、反馈、交流4个基本功能, 可以划分为情境支架、目标与任务支架、资源支架、交流支架、评价支架5种类型, 具体表现为NPC(非玩家角色)、学习资源、游戏动画、游戏漫画、游戏音乐、交流工具、游戏道具、测试任务8种基本形式.以此为基础, 选择信息素质教育中的知识分类问题, 设计一款图书分类小游戏.经过测试发现, 信息素质教育游戏能够激发学生的兴趣和主动学习热情, 并有效实现知识传授;学习支架在帮助学生主动学习、扩充知识、提高技能方面具有重要的辅助和促进作用.这表明, 在信息素质教育游戏中设置合适的支架, 可以有效提高游戏学习的效果.
吴建华 , 马祥涛 , 陈雅楠 . 信息素质教育游戏中的学习支架研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2014 , 58(23) : 69 -75 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.23.010
Scaffolding tools play important role in helping and supporting players' self-directed learning in educational games. By analyzing and summarizing the related theory, application and typical educational games, and combining with the characteristics of information literacy, this paper suggests that it has four basic functions of knowledge transfer, guidance, feedback, and communication in information literacy educational games. The scaffolding tool can be divided into five types of scene, goal and task, resources, communication and evaluation scaffolding, which usually take eight kinds of forms of NPCs (Non-Player Characters), learning resources, animation, cartoons, music, communication tools, game props and test assignments. Then, a mini-game is designed for book classification, which is a knowledge classification topic in information literacy education. After two rounds of design and test, it finds that this game is able to stimulate students to learn actively and knowledge is effectively imparted. Scaffolding tool plays an important auxiliary and promoting role in helping students to do self-directed learning, expand knowledge, and improve skills. It demonstrates that suitably setting scaffolding tools in information literacy educational games can effectively increase the outcome of game-based learning.
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