

  • 王晓艳 ,
  • 林昌意
  • 福建师范大学协和学院 福州 350117

收稿日期: 2014-11-28

  修回日期: 2014-12-20

  网络出版日期: 2015-01-05

Research on Chinese Informational Webpage Classification Based on Query Intention

  • Wang Xiaoyan ,
  • Lin Changyi
  • Concord College, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117

Received date: 2014-11-28

  Revised date: 2014-12-20

  Online published: 2015-01-05


[目的/意义] 通过网页分类提高搜索引擎及内容网站的检索性能,根据查询意图分类更精确地满足用户需求。[方法/过程] 以信息类中文网页为研究对象,采用人工归纳的方法构建信息类查询意图类目体系,提出根据该类目体系对信息类网页进行分类的方法,并通过实验进行验证。[结果/结论] 实验结果表明,所提出的方法具有较强的可行性,有助于精确地满足用户信息需求,提高搜索引擎及内容网站的检索性能。


王晓艳 , 林昌意 . 基于查询意图的中文信息类网页分类研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(1) : 113 -118,126 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.01.015


[Purpose/significance] Webpage classification can help to improve the retrieval performance of the search engine and the content site, and it will precisely meet the needs of users to classify pages according to query intentions. [Method/process] This thesis selects Chinese informational pages as the research object, and firstly uses the method of artificial induction to construct the classification system for informational query intentions, then proposes the method of grouping pages based on the classification system above, which is verified by experiments. [Result/conclusion] Experimental results show that the method above is viablez, and has a certain reference value for improving the retrieval relevance and meeting users' real query intentions.


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