

  • 汤伟 ,
  • 秦鸿 ,
  • 李泰峰
  • 电子科技大学图书馆 成都 611731

收稿日期: 2014-11-26

  修回日期: 2015-01-10

  网络出版日期: 2015-02-20

Development and Construction of Teaching Reference Resources Learning System: Taking Library of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China as an Example

  • Tang Wei ,
  • Qin Hong ,
  • Li Taifeng
  • Library of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731

Received date: 2014-11-26

  Revised date: 2015-01-10

  Online published: 2015-02-20


[目的/意义] 针对目前国内高校教学参考资源服务存在的问题,建设一个可持续发展的教参资源学习系统,以促进学校的本科教学和人才培养工作。[方法/过程] 基于多元数据融合的新型教参服务模式,融合新技术及学习社区理念,提出系统的需求方案,并以电子科技大学教参资源学习系统为例,详述该系统的功能框架以及关键技术和难点,直观剖析系统的拓展式服务模式与多方位服务能力。[结果/结论] 打造一个基于本校课程体系、融合海量多元化教参资源的数字学习空间,并提供师生互通、社区互动和个性化服务等多类型的服务,在突出课程学习的同时,满足学生参加英语四六级或研究生入学考试以及了解就业与出国深造相关信息的需求,符合高校教学规律及本科生学习习惯和特点。系统的建设为高校图书馆教参资源服务深入读者和融入学校教学工作提供了有益的参考。


汤伟 , 秦鸿 , 李泰峰 . 教学参考资源学习系统的开发与建设——以电子科技大学图书馆为例[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(4) : 44 -49 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.04.007


[Purpose/significance] It is of great applied value for promoting undergraduate teaching and talent cultivation to build a teaching reference resources study system with sustainable development, addressing problems of teaching reference resources service in Chinese colleges and universities.[Method/process] Based on the new teaching reference service mechanism of multi-data integration and integrated the new technology and study community concept, this paper proposes the systematic demand scheme. Then the functional framework as well as key technologies and difficulties of this system have been elaborated by taking teaching reference resources study system in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China as an example. It also analyzes expansive service mode and multi-faceted service capability of the system intuitively. [Result/conclusion] The system creates a digital study space, based on university curriculum system and combined with a large number of diversified teaching reference resources. It provides multiple types of individualized services for communications between teachers and students as well as interactions among communities. While attaching importance to curriculum study, it satisfies students' demands for CET-4, CET-6, post-graduate examination, employment and going abroad, which is suitable for teaching rules and graduate students' learning habits and features in colleges and universities. Since its pilot operation, it has received an average page view of 3000 per month, and the top six schools are all major ones in the University. The system also provides beneficial references for teaching reference resources service in colleges and universities' libraries, so that they can blend into school teaching and form a deep relationship with readers.


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