收稿日期: 2015-05-08
修回日期: 2015-05-23
网络出版日期: 2015-06-05
Research on Roles and Functions of Behavior Subject in Public Digital Cultural Resources Integration Projects
Received date: 2015-05-08
Revised date: 2015-05-23
Online published: 2015-06-05
[目的/意义] 探讨已有公共数字文化资源整合项目中不同行为主体扮演的角色及其职能, 为未来类似项目的建设提供借鉴与参考。[方法/过程] 结合社会学的“角色理论”, (包括角色期待、角色领悟和角色实践3个状态)和管理学的“职能理论”(主要探讨组织的管理职能), 探讨构建公共数字文化资源项目中的角色期待模型(包括角色设置与分配及角色职能设置与分配)。利用文献与网络调研方法, 对4个具有代表性的公共数字文化资源整合项目的组织模式进行归纳, 并依托国际图联总结的该类项目的基本建设流程, 总结出该类项目建设中一般所应有的角色设置与分配方式以及各角色所应有的基本职能。[结果/结论] 在公共数字文化资源整合项目建设初始阶段, 应当明确各行为主体的角色及其职能;角色的设置包括:发起主体、指导主体、实施主体和保障主体;项目的不同建设阶段中, 角色职能有所不同, 角色分配在不同建设阶段有所不同。
肖希明 , 张芳源 . 公共数字文化资源整合中行为主体的角色及职能研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(11) : 21 -27 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.11.003
[Purpose/significance] This paper explores roles and functions of the behavior subject in the public digital resources integration project, to give suggestions for similar projects to develop in the future. [Method/process] This paper combines the Role Theory in sociology which includes role expectation, comprehension and practice and the Function Theory in Management which studies the management fuction of organization, to develop a Role Expectation model for public digital cultural integration projects. The model includes roles setting and assignment, role function setting and assignment. By literature and web survey method, it summarizes the organization models of 4 representative sample projects. On account of the basic construction procedures of such project proposed by IFLA, it summarizes the general roles setting and assignment mode, and the primary functions of each role in public digital cultural integration projects. [Result/conclusion] In initiate stage of the project, it is significant to explicit subject roles and functions. The roles setting includes sponsor subject, instruct subject, executor subject and security subject. The role functions and setting in the different developing stages of project are different.
Key words: resources integration; behavior analysis; role playing; function study
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