收稿日期: 2015-08-16
修回日期: 2015-09-12
网络出版日期: 2015-10-05
An Investigation of Digital Competence of Subject Librarians in Universities in Tianjin
Received date: 2015-08-16
Revised date: 2015-09-12
Online published: 2015-10-05
[目的/意义] 数字化科研环境下,数字能力是学科馆员必备的能力之一,探索性地选择天津市作为研究区域,利用欧盟数字能力框架编制问卷对天津市高校图书馆学科馆员数字能力进行研究。为学科馆员数字能力实证研究提供测量工具;为进一步建设高校图书馆学科馆员数字能力提供参考。[方法/过程] 采用问卷调查法、数理统计等方法,从浏览、查询及检索评价信息、存储和管理信息、交流共享、制作内容、安全隐私、知识产权、识别数字能力差距7个维度及用户的一般人口学特征来研究天津市高校学科馆员数字能力现状,除横向7个维度外,根据数字能力概念,即适应数字化环境所需的知识、态度和技能,纵向将数字能力问卷分为认知和技能两部分。[结果/结论] ①以欧盟数字能力框架为基础的天津市高校图书馆学科馆员数字能力问卷具有较好的信效度,证明该问卷可以作为该领域的测量工具;②根据调查结果,一定程度上可认为天津市高校图书馆学科馆员数字能力较高,且认知水平高于技能水平,使用新型数字工具(如绘制思维导图软件、情报分析图谱软件及专利分析软件)的能力较弱;③天津市高校图书馆正高级学科馆员在使用文献管理软件、数字笔记本、数据库提供的投稿功能等方面的能力有待提高。
周凤飞 , 王俊丽 . 天津市高校图书馆学科馆员数字能力现状研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(19) : 47 -54,67 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.19.006
[Purpose/significance] In the digital environment, digital competence is one of the necessary competences of subject librarians.It is exploratory to choose Tianjin as the research area, and use the questionnaire on the foundation of the DIGCOMP to investigate digital competence of subject librarians.[Method/process] With the questionnaire and mathematical statistics method,the status of digital competence of subject librarians in Tianjin universities' libraries is studied from seven crosswise dimensions including browsing, searching, retrieving and evaluating information, storing and managing information, communicating and sharing, developing content, safety and privacy, identifying digital competence gaps,and two longitudinal aspects including cognition, skills, librarians' demographic characteristics, and personal traits.[Result/conclusion] ①The reliability and validity of the questionnaire is at a good level, and DIGCOMP can be used as the measuring tool;② according to the conclusion, subject librarians in Tianjin universities' libraries are good at digital competence to some extent, and competence of cognition is better than skills,but the ability of using new digital tools is inadequate;③ subject librarians with high professional titles perform poorly at the use of reference management softwares, cloud notes, the submission function of databases.
Key words: digital competence; subject librarians; DIGCOMP; empirical research
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