收稿日期: 2015-09-22
修回日期: 2015-10-09
网络出版日期: 2015-11-05
Study on Multiple Dimensions of the Perceived Discovery Model of Personal Credit Evaluation Characteristics
Received date: 2015-09-22
Revised date: 2015-10-09
Online published: 2015-11-05
[目的/意义]互联网金融背景下,个人信用评估的需求激增,大量个人信用行为信息沉淀在各种互联网应用平台之上,这类信息语义丰富,且隐藏着许多可用于对现有评价模型进行降维的关键特征,本研究旨在解决如何快速地发现这类关键特征的问题。[方法/过程]选取CNKI 10年来个人信用评价的研究文献作为研究样本,从其内容、功能、应用及场景、组织及制度等多个维度,尽可能全面地构建评价特征体系,并运用国外应用研究中主流的相关性建模方法来构建模型。[结果/结论]最终构建了一种多维度的个人信用评价特征的感知发现模型,通过模型可以直观、动态地发现新的个人信用评价特征;同时本模型也可以用于个人信用评价方法以及特征权重的比较研究。
孙璐 , 李广建 . 多维个人信用评价特征感知模型的研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(21) : 96 -104,138 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.21.015
[Purpose/significance]Under the background of Internet finance,with the surge of demand for personal credit assessment, a lot of personal credit information is recorded on a variety of Internet application platforms. This kind of information is rich in semantics, and there are many key features that can be used to reduce the dimension of the existing evaluation models. This study aims to address how quick the discovery of such key features can be.[Method/process]In this paper, the research on CNKI research literature based on related fields in the past ten years was made as a research samplefrom its content, function, application and scene, organization and system, etc. It constructed a description feature system based on multiple dimensions. We used mainstream modeling methods in the foreign application research to carry out the study of the correlation. [Result/conclusion]Finally, a kind of multiple dimension model based on the perceived discovery of personal credit evaluation characteristics is constructed. Based on this model, the characteristics of the new personal credit evaluation can be found directly and dynamically. At the same time, this model can also be used for the comparative study of feature weights.
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