

  • 贾丽君
  • 重庆文理学院图书馆 重庆 402160
贾丽君(ORCID: 0000-0002-8668-6503),助理馆员,硕士,E-mail:jlj0606@163.com。

收稿日期: 2016-01-07

  修回日期: 2016-02-04

  网络出版日期: 2016-02-20

Analysis on Construction of Books Acquisition Cloud Platform Based on PDA

  • Jia Lijun
  • Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences Library, Chongqing 402160

Received date: 2016-01-07

  Revised date: 2016-02-04

  Online published: 2016-02-20


[目的/意义] 在当前国外图书馆PDA实践已有较大发展而国内图书馆却仅有少量线下或移动PDA实践的背景下,提出建立基于PDA的图书资源采购云平台设想,希望将线上与线下PDA实践的优势相结合,同时系统地解决当前PDA实践中存在的问题,以推进国内PDA实践的发展,提高国内图书馆的服务质量和读者满意度。[方法/过程] 从组织管理、协调运作和技术实现3个方面对PDA云平台建设的可行性进行分析。在文献分析基础上归纳出PDA云平台需解决的问题,并进行系统结构分析和PDA应用流程分析。通过对云平台中PDA流程与当前PDA流程的对比分析,阐明建设云平台的益处。[结果/结论] PDA云平台建设有利于图书馆经费有效使用,可"一劳永逸"地解决图书馆与书商之间的技术接口问题,并且可促使出版商对PDA的态度的转变,从而整合实体书店资源,促进图书市场繁荣发展。


贾丽君 . 基于PDA的图书资源采购云平台构建分析[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016 , 60(4) : 67 -72,66 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.04.009


Purpose/significance]PDA has greatly develops in libraries abroad while there's only a small amount of offline or mobile PDA practices in Chinese libraries. This paper proposes to establish a cloud platform based on PDA for library purchasing combined the advantages of online and offline PDA practices, and solve the current existing problems systematically to promote the development of the Chinese practice of PDA and improve service quality of Chinese library and reader's satisfaction. [Method/process] The feasibility of constructing the cloud platform is analyzed in three dimensions which are organization and management, coordination and operation, and technology implementation. The problems which the platform has to solve is generalized through the literature analysis, and system structure and PDA application process is analyzed. The benefits of the cloud platform's construction is clarified by the comparison between the PDA process of current and cloud platform. [Result/conclusion] It's considered there are many advantages by the construction of the PDA cloud platform, such as to improve the effectiveness of library's purchase fund, to solve the problem of technical interface between libraries and booksellers "once and for all", to change publishers' attitude towards PDA, to integrate the resource of the bookshops, and to promote the development of book market.


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