收稿日期: 2016-01-20
修回日期: 2016-03-20
网络出版日期: 2016-04-05
Status, Problem and Solution of Opening Government Data in China Under the International Comparison Perspective
Received date: 2016-01-20
Revised date: 2016-03-20
Online published: 2016-04-05
[目的/意义] 为客观分析我国开放政府数据实施的现状,并从国际比较的视角探寻当前我国开放政府数据存在的问题与不足,构建符合我国国情的政府数据开放体系。[方法/过程] 通过对国际上具有代表性的政府数据开放评估体系内容的梳理,系统分析不同评估体系对中国政府数据开放情况的基本认知。[结果/结论] 在对比分析的基础上,发现我国在政府数据开放水平、信息法律制度、组织管理体系以及技术架构等方面还存在一定的差距与不足。进而提出要从提高对开放政府数据战略的认识、加强顶层设计、完善法规制度以及统一组织管理、设定技术标准等7个方面构建我国政府数据开放体系。
夏义堃 . 国际比较视野下我国开放政府数据的现状、问题与对策[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016 , 60(7) : 34 -40 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.07.005
[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to objectively analyze the situation and problem of opening government data in China, and establish the system of opening government data which conforms to China' national condition.[Method/process] Based on sorting out the contents of typical international assessment systems of opening government data, this paper systematically analyzes the basic attitudes to opening China's government data under different evaluation systems.[Result/conclusion] Through comparing different international organizations' evaluation systems, it explores the problems and shortcomings in opening China's government data from the perspectives of data openness, legal and regulation framework, organization and management system, technology and standard issue. Then, it proposes to establish the system of opening China's government data, in terms of seven analytical aspects: paying more attention to opening strategy of government data, making national top-level design, developing comprehensive regulatory system, unifying organization and management, drawing a unified technical standards and so on.
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