[Purpose/significance] By mining miscellaneous online negative reviews of the e-commerce platform, fuzzy early warning calculation is taken and Internet public reputation crisis is classified, which provides references for enterprise real-time monitoring of the network public opinion, and helps to spread the positive reputation of products and avoid the risks brought by negative reviews. [Method/process] Based on the European consumer satisfaction model (ECSI), and in terms of four attributes——perceived quality, perceived value, perceived expectation and perceived reputation, the fuzzy corpus of the network public reputation crisis was constructed. Combined with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the quarter map model of improved customer satisfaction, we calculated and classified the Internet word of mouth crisis (IWOM) early warning. [Result/conclusion] Taking the Meituan take-out online reviews as an example, we carry on the empirical research. The Internet word of mouth crisis early warning calculation method of negative comments has good experimental test results, which can provide information decision making for IWOM crisis earning warning of online products.
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