[目的/意义] 现有研究主要围绕技术竞争情报服务内容展开,为使研究更好地契合技术竞争情报服务实践,深入剖析技术竞争情报服务过程,揭示技术竞争情报服务过程存在的主要障碍,为提升技术竞争情报服务效率、最终实现服务目标寻找理论依据。[方法/过程] 运用界面管理的基本思想,将技术竞争情报服务界面定义为服务主体与服务对象之间存在的资源配置冲突以及为了消除冲突所可能采取的对各种资源所做的时间安排、数量匹配或结构布置等资源配置方案,从双方的合作目标、主要方法、文化差异、能力水平等角度分析技术竞争情报服务界面的成因,在此基础上从资源投入、组织结构和管理过程3个维度对合作界面进行识别。[结果/结论] 从合作规则、工具平台、合作角色、例行程序和邻近性5个方面提出了界面协调策略,并对不同策略及其在技术竞争服务界面协调中的作用进行分析,通过协调策略的提出指明提升技术竞争情报服务质量的可行方向,从而探索构建技术竞争情报服务的界面分析视角,有助于技术竞争情报服务活动的有效开展。
[Purpose/significance] Existing studies on competitive technical intelligence focus more on the content of such services. This study therefore decides to look at the process of providing competitive technical intelligence services, reveal main obstacles in such processes, and provide theoretical basis for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of such services.[Method/process] Based on core theories of interface management, competitive technical intelligence service interface is defined as conflict in resource allocation between the service provider and the service object, and solutions to such conflicts in terms of resource reallocation such as time arrangement, quantity matching and structural arrangement. The paper looks at the root causes of competitive technical intelligence service interface from the angles of cooperation objectives, main strategy, cultural difference, capacity difference, and others. Based on that, cooperation interfaces are identified from three dimensions:resource input, organizational structure and management process.[Result/conclusion] Five strategies are proposed to coordinate interfaces ranging from cooperation rules, tool platform, cooperation roles to routines and proximity. Further analyses are given to identify roles of these strategies in coordinating competitive technical intelligence service interfaces. By way of giving such coordinating strategies, the paper points out feasible ways of improving the quality of competitive technical intelligence services, thus providing an interface analysis perspective to effective competitive technical intelligence services in future.
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