

  • 马鸿佳 ,
  • 宋春华 ,
  • 毕强
  • 吉林大学管理学院 长春 130022

收稿日期: 2016-04-22

  修回日期: 2016-06-19

  网络出版日期: 2016-07-20



Research on Multi-Level Knowledge Transfer Model Based on the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

  • Ma Hongjia ,
  • Song Chunhua ,
  • Bi Qiang
  • School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022

Received date: 2016-04-22

  Revised date: 2016-06-19

  Online published: 2016-07-20


[目的/意义]近些年来,越来越多的学者聚焦于从生态视角研究创业问题,但是创业生态系统这一核心问题的研究仍不完善。区域内多种创业主体及创业环境构成创业生态系统,且彼此之间进行着动态的交互。为了更好的解决创业生态系统内的知识转移问题,构建创业生态系统的多层级知识转移模型。[方法/过程]研究如何基于知识管理理论与生态理论,提升创业生态系统内的知识转移效应,进而提升整体的创业活动水平。首先,对企业知识和信息、知识转移和创业生态系统进行界定;其次,梳理创业生态主体层级并界定本研究的3个层面,构建知识转移的一般模型,在此基础上基于生态理论,构建起创业生态系统的多层级知识转移模型;最后,对本研究的主要内容进行讨论和总结,并对未来研究提出合理化的意见和建议。[结果/结论] 所构建的创业生态系统的多层级知识转移模型,探究创业系统总体对知识转移的影响,并分别对个人、企业和网络3个层面相互之间知识转移机制进行探索,对创业生态系统理论研究和实践发展都具有重要的双重影响。


马鸿佳 , 宋春华 , 毕强 . 基于创业生态系统的多层级知识转移模型研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016 , 60(14) : 16 -23 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.14.002


[Purpose/significance] In recent years, more and more scholars study entrepreneurship from the perspective of ecological issues, but the core issue of entrepreneurship research ecosystem is still not perfect. Multi-agent of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial environment constitute the entrepreneurial ecosystems in regions, and inteacts dynamicly with each other. To better solve the problem of knowledge transfer within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, this paper constructs multi-level knowledge transfer model of entrepreneurship ecosystems.[Method/process] This study was based on knowledge management theory and ecological theory to explore how to enhance the effect of knowledge transfer in entrepreneurship ecosystems, and thus enhance the overall level of entrepreneurial activity. Firstly, this study defined the knowledge and information, knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship ecosystems; secondly, the study reviewed body of knowledge in the entrepreneurship ecosystem and defined three levels of this research, and built a general model of knowledge transfer; this study built multi-level knowledge transfer model in entrepreneurial ecosystem based on ecological theory;finally, the study discussed and summarized the main contents, and made rationalization comments and suggestions for future research.[Result/conclusion] This paper constructed multi-level knowledge transfer model in entrepreneurship ecosystem, explored entrepreneurship ecosystem overall impact on knowledge transfer, and respectively explored knowledge transfer mechanisms among individuals, firms and network three levels each other, which will have a double impact on the theory and practice development of entrepreneurship ecosystem.


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