

  • 楚林 ,
  • 王忠义 ,
  • 夏立新
  • 华中师范大学信息管理学院 武汉 430079

收稿日期: 2016-06-05

  修回日期: 2016-07-09

  网络出版日期: 2016-07-20



Research on Knowledge Ecosystem of Network Q&A Community

  • Chu Lin ,
  • Wang Zhongyi ,
  • Xia Lixin
  • School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079

Received date: 2016-06-05

  Revised date: 2016-07-09

  Online published: 2016-07-20


[目的/意义]通过吸纳知识生态学的理念来进一步完善网络问答社区的相关理论体系。[方法/过程]在前人的研究基础上,分析网络问答社区的知识主体、知识生态环境和知识生态链,构建出网络问答社区的知识生态系统模型,进一步从形成条件、动力和演化3个方面对系统的自组织机制进行深入探索,并以“知乎”为例对本文提出的知识生态系统进行验证。[结果/结论] 网络问答社区的知识生态系统将社区用户、用户生成内容和社区机制等有机结合在一起,从整体上揭示了网络问答社区的运行和发展。


楚林 , 王忠义 , 夏立新 . 网络问答社区的知识生态系统研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016 , 60(14) : 47 -55 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.14.006


[Purpose/significance] With the advent of knowledge economy, the rapid development of network Q&A communities has attracted the attention of people. Though with plenty of users at present, they are lack of the theoretical support, especially the whole theory research on the user, content and community. This paper aims to further improve the relevant theoretical system of network Q&A community by absorbing the idea of knowledge ecology.[Method/process] On the basis of previous research, this paper analyses the knowledge subject, knowledge ecological environment and knowledge ecology chain of the network Q&A community, constructs a knowledge ecosystem model, and further explores its self-organization mechanism from the formation condition, dynamics and evolution.[Result/conclusion] Through the analysis of Zhihu's knowledge ecosystem, this paper gives some suggestions on studying the existing problems, to provide guidance for the development of Q&A communities.


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