

  • 陈晓红 ,
  • 何雪梅 ,
  • 高凡
  • 西南交通大学图书馆 成都 610031

收稿日期: 2016-08-01

  修回日期: 2016-09-11

  网络出版日期: 2016-09-20



Study on the Construction of the Metaliteracy Education System Model in University Libraries

  • Chen Xiaohong ,
  • He Xuemei ,
  • Gao Fan
  • Library of Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031

Received date: 2016-08-01

  Revised date: 2016-09-11

  Online published: 2016-09-20


[目的/意义] 在信息技术迅猛发展和信息环境急剧变迁的背景下,信息素养的内涵和标准在不断变化,需要构建一个与之相适应的教育体系,以完善信息素养教育体系和全面提升大学生的信息素养。[方法/过程] 在对元素养理论研究及实践发展的相关文献和我国高校图书馆信息素养教育体系的现状进行调研后,以元素养理论为基础,以美国《高等教育信息素养框架》的核心理念为参照,结合我国高校图书馆信息素养教育的实际,构建出“A-B-C-D”元素养培育体系模型。[结果/结论] 我国元素养教育应该注重元素养的阶段培育,依据目标深化教育内容体系,拓展教育模式和方法体系,协同教育资源和教育主体。同时高校图书馆元素养教育的实施,应灵活参照《框架》,立足于学生的实际需求和信息素养教育成果,建立专门的元素养培养队伍及合理的发展管理机制等。


陈晓红 , 何雪梅 , 高凡 . 高校图书馆元素养教育体系模型构建研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016 , 60(18) : 56 -62 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.18.007


[Purpose/significance] In the context of rapid development of information technology and rapid changes of information environment, the content and standard of information literacy are changing. In order to Improve information literacy education system and fully enhance college students' information literacy, it is necessary to construct a new education model for information literacy education. [Method/process] This paper sorts out the research on metaliteracy theory and practice. It also analyses the disadvantages of information literacy education in university libraries. This paper has constructed the "A-B-C-D" model for metaliteracy education system based on metaliteracy theory and the core idea of Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education of American.[Result/conclusion] Metaliteracy education in China should focus on the stages of metaliteracy education, deepening the education content based on the target, broadening the system of education modes and methods, and coordinating education subjects and resources system. Meanwhile, as for the implementation of the metaliteracy education, university libraries should refer to Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education of American, consider the actual needs of students and information literacy education outcomes,establish a specialized team and rational development management mechanism, etc.


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