

  • 管翠中 ,
  • 范爱红 ,
  • 贺维平 ,
  • 赵杰 ,
  • 孟颖
  • 清华大学图书馆 北京 100084

收稿日期: 2016-10-10

  修回日期: 2016-11-08

  网络出版日期: 2016-11-20



Time Prediction of Academic Institutions Entering the World Top 1% Disciplines Ranked by ESI Based on the Curve Fitting Model——Taking Tsinghua University as an Example

  • Guan Cuizhong ,
  • Fan Aihong ,
  • He Weiping ,
  • Zhao Jie ,
  • Meng Ying
  • Tsinghua University Library, Beijing 100084

Received date: 2016-10-10

  Revised date: 2016-11-08

  Online published: 2016-11-20




管翠中 , 范爱红 , 贺维平 , 赵杰 , 孟颖 . 学术机构入围ESI前1%学科时间的曲线拟合预测方法研究——以清华大学为例[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016 , 60(22) : 88 -93 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.22.013


[Purpose/significance] ESI discipline ranking is one of the essential indicators of discipline evaluation both in China and abroad. Illustrated by the case of Tsinghua University, the paper introduces a practical method of data mining and analysis to predict the time of academic institutions entering the world's top 1% disciplines ranked by ESI. [Method/process] First, we found the potential disciplines which were possibly entering top 1%, and the "qualified gap" was simulated by comparing the total citation with the bottom institutions in the top ESI 1% disciplines. Then, the qualified time was predicted with the curve fitting model. In addition, the goodness-of-fit comparison of three different curve equations and the possible causes of prediction errors were presented in this study. [Result/conclusion] This proposed time is later proved to be basically accurate. This prediction method has important practical value in investigating the development tendency of key disciplines and measuring the gap with the world class disciplines.


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