

  • 刘泳洁 ,
  • 卢明芳
  • 吉首大学图书馆 吉首 416000

收稿日期: 2016-11-17

  修回日期: 2016-12-08

  网络出版日期: 2016-12-20



The Revise and Enlightenment of the SLA's Competency Standard

  • Liu Yongjie ,
  • Lu Mingfang
  • Library of Jishou University, Jishou 416000

Received date: 2016-11-17

  Revised date: 2016-12-08

  Online published: 2016-12-20


[目的/意义] 通过解析美国专业图书馆协会(SLA)能力标准的修订,为国内制定相关图书馆员能力标准提供适当参考。[方法/过程] 利用比较分析法和内容分析法,剖析先后4个版本的SLA能力标准,并对其适用对象、结构要素、条款内容的修订进行探讨。[结果/结论] 经过3次修订,SLA能力名称、结构要素、条款内容都发生了变化;SLA能力标准适用对象越来越广泛,逐步扩展到所有的信息专业人员;SLA能力标准越来越突出信息专业人员在管理信息与知识资源、进行信息与知识检索和分析、组织信息与知识资产、开发信息与知识系统和技术、开展信息与知识服务、信息伦理建设等方面的核心能力;SLA能力要素越来越详细,覆盖的核心业务越来越全面。所有这些都可以为国内图书馆职业能力建设提供参考。


刘泳洁 , 卢明芳 . 美国专业图书馆协会能力标准的修订与启示[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016 , 60(24) : 26 -31 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.24.004


[Purpose/significance] The revise of the standard of SLA's competencies is analyzed to provide appropriate references for the development of librarian competency standards in China. [Method/process] The four version standards early or late of the SLA's competencies, including its revises on name of competencies, structure elements and contents of terms, are studied by using comparative analysis and content analysis. [Result/conclusion] The name of SLA's competencies, structure elements, and contents of terms have changed through three revisions; audiences of the standard of SLA's competencies are more and more extensive, and gradually extending to all the information professionals; the information professionals' core competencies on managing information and knowledge resources, performing information and knowledge retrieval and analysis, organizing information and knowledge assets, developing information and knowledge systems and technologies, carrying out information and knowledge services, and building information ethics, are more and more highlighted in the standard of SLA's competencies; the elements of SLA's competencies are more and more detailed, and the core businesses covered are more and more comprehensive. All these above can provide many enlightenments to the development of library professional competencies in China.


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