

  • 司莉 ,
  • 陈雨雪 ,
  • 曾粤亮
  • 1. 武汉大学信息资源研究中心 武汉 430072;
    2. 武汉大学信息管理学院 武汉 430072;
    3. 福建省特种设备检验研究院 福州 350008

收稿日期: 2016-08-15

  修回日期: 2016-12-18

  网络出版日期: 2017-01-05



A Study on Cross-Language Information Retrieval Model Based on Multilingual Ontology

  • Si Li ,
  • Chen Yuxue ,
  • Zeng Yueliang
  • 1. Research Center of Information Resource, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072;
    2. School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072;
    3. Fujian Special Equipment Inspection Institute, Fuzhou 350008

Received date: 2016-08-15

  Revised date: 2016-12-18

  Online published: 2017-01-05


[目的/意义] 构建一个基于多语言本体的跨语言信息检索模型,有助于用户通过该模型使用自己熟悉的语言来获取不同语种的信息资源。[方法/过程] 通过本体设计及检索模型功能模块设计建立一个基于数字出版领域本体的中英跨语言信息检索模型,并利用Java语言及Lucene搜索引擎架构对该模型进行编程实现。[结果/结论] 多语言领域本体具有明确、形式化、共享、概念化、结构清晰等特征,可以作为语义层应用于跨语言信息检索系统之中,实现信息资源的语义表达。经测试,本文构建的模型能够较好地实现分词、查询扩展和语义关联等功能,促进跨语言信息检索向语义层次发展。


司莉 , 陈雨雪 , 曾粤亮 . 基于多语言本体的中英跨语言信息检索模型及实现[J]. 图书情报工作, 2017 , 61(1) : 100 -108 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.01.012


[Purpose/significance] Constructing a cross-language information retrieval model based on multilingual ontology is beneficial for users to acquire information resources in different languages by using their familiar language.[Method/process] This paper proposes a cross-language information retrieval model based on digital publishing domain ontology by the design of ontology and function module, and finally implements the retrieval model by Java and Lucene.[Result/conclusion] Multilingual ontology is explicit, formalized, sharable, conceptualized and has clear structure, which can be used as a semantic layer in cross-language information retrieval system and bring about the semantic expression of information resources. After testing, the model constructed in this paper can achieve some functions like word segmentation, query expansion and semantic association, promoting cross-language information retrieval to the semantic level.


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