收稿日期: 2016-09-14
修回日期: 2016-11-23
网络出版日期: 2017-01-20
Study on the Methods of Constructing the Subject Librarians System in the Newly Built College
Received date: 2016-09-14
Revised date: 2016-11-23
Online published: 2017-01-20
[目的/意义] 探究新建本科院校在科研方向尚不稳定、馆藏建设经费紧张、馆员整体素质不高、读者对图书馆依赖程度不够、馆员职业前景黯淡的客观条件下,构建学科馆员机制的可行对策。[方法/过程] 剖析该类高校学科馆员机制建设受阻的根本缘由,基于学科良性发展视域,遵循图书馆事业发展与信息服务的特性规律,从新建本科院校图书馆条件建设、制度建设和学科馆员培养3个方面进行研究。[结果/结论] 提出坚持学科建设的龙头地位、克服困难保障投入,以迭代交流方式规划和加强馆藏建设,提高全员整体素质、着重培养院系学科馆员,个性化推送服务、优先保障区域科研信息服务,完善学科馆员管理体系、量力设置绩效考核内容与标准的对策建议。
夏燕燕 . 新建本科院校学科馆员机制构建对策研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2017 , 61(2) : 89 -93 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.02.011
[Purpose/significance] This thesis is to study the plausible measures of building subject librarian system in the condition that the direction of scientific research is not stable, the funds of collection construction is short, the overall quality of librarians and readers is not high enough and the prospect of librarians is poor.[Method/process] By analyzing the root cause that restricts the construction of the subject librarian system, based on the virtue perspective of development, following the laws of library development and information services, this thesis researches the condition construction, the system construction of university library and the cultivation and method of usage of librarians.[Result/conclusion] The purposes are to seize the leading role of discipline construction, ensure the input by overcoming the difficulties, plan and implement the construction of library by means of iterative communication, improve the overall quality of the staff, focus on the cultivation of university subject librarian, institutionalize the delivery system, put the protection of regional research information as top priority, improve the system of subject librarians management and set the content and criterion of the merit pay.
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