

  • 崔林蔚 ,
  • 陆颖
  • 1. 中国科学院成都文献情报中心 成都 610041;
    2. 中国科学院大学 北京 100049

收稿日期: 2016-12-27

  修回日期: 2017-03-03

  网络出版日期: 2017-05-05



Analysis of Author Contribution Factors Based on Article Author Order——Taking Library and Information Service as an Example

  • Cui Linwei ,
  • Lu Ying
  • 1. Chengdu Library and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041;
    2. University of Chinese Academic of Science, Beijing 100049

Received date: 2016-12-27

  Revised date: 2017-03-03

  Online published: 2017-05-05


[目的/意义] 以《图书情报工作》为例,探究作者贡献要素与作者署名排序的关系,为构建作者贡献声明规范提供借鉴,为基于文献内容的学术评价提供新方向。[方法/过程] 对《图书情报工作》作者贡献说明版块进行规范化标注,归纳出本学科的29位作者贡献要素,探究不同作者署名位置的作者贡献要素的规律,以及不同作者贡献要素在各个作者署名位置的分布情况。[结果/结论] 经过分析发现,第一作者起决定性作用,第二作者起贯穿性作用,第三和第四作者起辅助性作用,通讯作者起完善性作用;随着作者署名位置的降低,作者贡献越来越分散;越多参与撰写论文,署名排名也可能靠前。在此基础上,提出4点思考:作者贡献要素集中性较强,可制定词表进行规范化控制;贡献要素重要度差异较大,可赋予贡献要素不同权重;根据权重设置不同层次,建立贡献要素体系;挖掘论文中作者的实际贡献,助力学术评价。


崔林蔚 , 陆颖 . 基于作者署名排序的作者贡献要素分析——以《图书情报工作》2015-2016年作者贡献声明为例[J]. 图书情报工作, 2017 , 61(9) : 80 -86 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.09.010


[Purpose/significance] Taking Library and Information Service as an example, the paper explores the relationship between the author contribution factors and article author order. It can promote the construction of the author contribution statement policy and provide a new direction for the academic evaluation based on the content of the literature.[Method/process] The paper standardized author contribution statements of the Library and Information Service, and summarized 29 author contribution factors, then explored the rules of the author contribution factors in different author positions and the distribution of the author contribution factors.[Result/conclusion] After analysis, it is found that the first authors play decisive roles, the second authors play synergistic roles, and the third and fourth authors play supporting roles, the correspondence authors play perfect roles. With the decrease of the author's signature position, the author's contribution is more and more dispersed. The more the author involved in writing papers, the signature ranking may have more chance to be in the front. Then the paper puts forward four points:the author contribution factors are concentrated; therefore, a vocabulary can be carried on to develop the standardized control; the difference of importance is big, and different weight can be given to the contribution factors; by setting different levels according to the weight, a factor system can be established. The author's practical contribution should be analyzed to help the academic evaluation.


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