[目的/意义] 信息时代对新老"图书馆五定律"关系进行系统思考和研究,具有较强的理论价值和实践指导意义。[方法/过程] 利用文献调研法和比较分析法,在两个定律基本内容解析的基础之上对两者的关系进行系统研究。[结果/结论] 两者具有继承与发展的关系。新五定律继承了老五定律的基本原则和指导思想:开放性和平等性原则、读者第一、服务至上和坚守知识传播思想;新五定律引入新的信息技术,赋予了旧五律新的内涵与外延。
[Purpose/significance] The paper explores the relationship between the old and new‘Five Laws of Library’systematically in an era of information, with a strong theoretical and practical guiding significance.[Method/process] The paper is a systematic research of the relationship between the two laws based on the interpretation of the two laws' contents, informed by means of document inquisition and comparative analysis.[Result/conclusion] The findings show that the relationship of the old and new‘Five Laws of Library’is inheritance and development. The new‘Five Laws of Library’inherits the fundamental principles and guiding ideology from the old‘Five Laws of Library’: the principles of openness and equality, reader-first service and the persistence of dissemination of knowledge and ideas. The new‘Five Laws of Library’adds the element of advanced information technology, reinvesting the old‘Five Laws of Library’with new meaning and extension.
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