[目的/意义] 数据集市是一种新兴的数据服务形态,通过分析其产生发展的环境、理论基础和探索实践,为大数据环境下的数据服务创新提供一些思考和启示。[方法/过程] 从大数据环境对数据管理和服务的影响出发,分析数据集市产生环境;基于对大数据管理流程和大数据价值链的分析,论述数据集市的理论基础;选取数据集市在实践应用中的典型案例,总结其较为成熟的服务模式;通过梳理从传统信息环境到大数据环境对数据价值认知的演变,分析数据集市的价值发现。[结果/结论] 大数据环境从多方面影响着数据集市的产生和发展;数据生命周期和大数据价值链是数据集市的重要理论基础;数据银行和众包是数据集市的重要服务模式;科研、商业和政务是数据集市价值发现的典型领域。
[Purpose/significance] Big data environment accelerates development and innovation in the field of data and information service. The purpose of this article is to provide reference and insight for relative practice and research work, with analyzing the development environment, theoretical foundation and exploratory practice of data marketplaces. [Method/process] Firstly, the development environment of data marketplaces was discussed from the perspective of the effects of big data on data management and service. Then we analyzed the theoretical foundation of data marketplaces, namely information lifecycle and value chain of big data. And then we analyzed the theoretical foundation of data marketplaces on the basis of the management processes and value chains for big data. Thirdly, the typically successful cases were discussed in order to discover the general patterns of data marketplaces. Finally we analyzed how data marketplaces help to discovery the value data trading. [Result/conclusion] Big data environment stimulates and promotes the emergence and development of data marketplaces to some extent. Information lifecycle and value chains of big data are important theoretical foundation of data marketplaces. The data bank and crowdsourcing are important service patterns of data marketplaces. Scientific research, business and government are the typically potential fields for data value discovery of data marketplaces.
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