[目的/意义] 挖掘数字图书馆用户的认知结构,识别其真实知识需求,以期为数字图书馆开展有针对性的个性化知识服务提供依据。[方法/过程] 借鉴认知心理学中的激活扩散理论深层次剖析用户的认知过程,根据用户在数字图书馆上的浏览、检索等认知实践行为研究用户认知,并挖掘出用户的认知结构。[结果/结论] 实验表明,基于激活扩散理论的认知结构挖掘方法识别的用户认知结构中主题概念的准确率和主题概念的排序一致性都达到较高水平,说明本文提出的认知结构挖掘方法对识别用户的认知结构具有有效性。
[Purpose/significance] Constructing the user's cognitive structure, and recognizing the digital library users'real knowledge needs, this paper aims to provide the basis for the personalized knowledge service of digital library. [Method/process] The paper uses the spreading activation theory of cognitive psychology to analyze the cognitive procedure of users,and studies the users' cognitive based on their browsing behavior information in the digital library. [Result/conclusion] This paper's experiments show that whether the index of recPrecision or the index of ranPrecision reach a high level which proves the validity of the digital library user's cognitive structure mining method based on spreading activation theory.
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