[目的/意义]通借通还服务是多校区高校图书馆流通的基本服务,利用通借通还数据,本研究试图从读者需求的角度提出一个能将馆藏资源动态优化的模式。[方法/过程]在考察国内外对于通借通还的研究现状和方法的基础上,借鉴二部图匹配和推荐系统一些相关研究成果,基于网络推断算法提出一个针对高校图书馆通借服务进行优化的模型,并以苏州大学图书馆2013年的借阅情况为训练集进行馆藏优化,使用2014-2015年的约2 469条通借数据对模型的效果进行检验。[结果/结论]分配模型对于预测未来的通借需求有一定效果,通过对馆藏进行优化,可提高图书使用效率,降低配送成本。
[Purpose/significance] The inter-library loaning (ILL) service is essential to multi-academic campus universities' library. By using ILL data, the paper will build a dynamic collection optimizing mode based on readers' demands.[Method/process] Firstly it examined the status quo and methods of ILL. Then, some results of bipartite matching and recommendation such as network-based inferencing (NBI) were referred to. Based on these, it built a model aiming to optimize collections of academic libraries. With the loaning data of Soochow University library during 2013 as the training data, an optimizing case was performed. 2469 of the inter-library loaning data during 2014 was used for testing the model's effects.[Result/conclusion] Through the optimization of the collection,the efficiency of using could be improved and the delivery cost will be reduced.
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