[Purpose/significance] WeChat group has complex conversational structure, and it's of far-reaching significance for understanding the WeChat users' information behavior and communication model to explore the network structure, role types and interrelation between them. [Method/process] Based on real dialogue sample as study object, the behavior network was constructed by using the@relation and communication strength between users as edge weight. The methods of social network analysis and content analysis were introduced to analysis the statistical characteristics of network structure, core member identification and information exchange behavior of in WeChat group, and an influential power model of WeChat users was designed based on volume, viscosity and position indexes.[Result/conclusion] The quantity of chats in WeChat group is approximately assumed to be in piecewise power-law distribution, and the power law index is directly proportional to user activity. Meanwhile, the quantity and time distribution of chats, which is inconsistent with the centrality, individual network characteristics and other indicators, can not reflect the users' status and influence in behavior network. Finallly, the information communication in WeChat group is more of a kind of "limited" and "fragmented" communication, and take on a trend of gradual filtering and reduction of public opinion risk between WeChat groups.
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