[Purpose/significance] Social networks such as microblogs play an important role in disseminating information and emotions during public health emergencies. This study aims to put forward the design scheme and analysis method of the social network sentiment map of the stakeholders in public health emergencies. The sentiment network map can visualize the emotional state and distribution of stakeholders in public health emergencies. Users can explore and analyze the propagation path and evolution of stakeholders' emotions towards the topics in public opinions.[Method/process] Taking "Wei Zexi incident" as an example, this paper constructed the social network of micro-blog users through the forwarding relationship of micro-blog. Meanwhile,identifying the types of stakeholders and calculating the users' emotion type and emotional intensity which were used to be embedded into the social network to construct the sentiment network map.[Result/conclusion] Firstly, ordinary people are more emotional and easily influenced by opinion leaders.In the outbreak and the spreading period of the event, the mainstream media and we-media have a greater impact on the public emotion.In the recession, the government and healthcare providers play a more important role in emotional influence. Secondly, with the evolution of public opinions, the dominant emotions of various stakeholders have also changed.Thirdly, we-media and enterprises act as bridges in the dissemination of emotions.
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