[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to solve the problem of the imbalanced UGC (User Generated Content) quality, and a UGC quality evaluation model based on the emotion analysis is put forward. This model can identify the low quality UGC in time, which is helpful to monitor public opinions and regulate the Internet.[Method/process] The first step was to select the hot topics, catch the relevant UGC including the forwarded content, comments and other user data, and to classify and cluster the data according to the hot topics of different periods. The second step was to use ROSTCM6 to analyze the classified and clustered results. During this step, it got the emotional characteristics and quality characteristics of the chosen UGC, and mined the relationship between the emotional value and the UGC quality to establish the regression model between these two elements. Then, the UGC quality will be evaluated based on the results of step one and two.[Result/conclusion] The average quality of the UGC can be detected in each phase of the life cycle of a topic, and part of low quality UGC can be identified timely by using this method.
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