[Purpose/significance] Taking University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC)Library as an example, this paper carries out case studies of the digital resource evaluation in the user data dimension in order to change the current digital resource evaluation status which stresses theories and pay little attention to practice. It also provides the thought and reference for academic libraries.[Method/process] According to the user data classification, digital resource evaluation methods of user information behavior data, user teaching research activity data and user social activity data were summarized. The data analysis process such as the evaluation purpose, the evaluation method and index, user data extraction, collation, analysis and conclusion was carried out. With library resources evaluation examples, the digital resource evaluation methods of user data including the horizontal comparison method, the vertical comparison method, the zero click-through rate analysis method, the synthetic evaluation method, the match method, the register analysis method, the citation analysis method and the subject librarian embedding method were systematically studied in this paper.[Result/conclusion] The digital resource evaluation in the user data dimension is more scientific and objective. The evaluation work in UESTC library takes user data research as the breakthrough point. They use different evaluation methods and construct different evaluation index systems for different user data, which makes the evaluation system efficient and operable. The methods and experience can provide useful reference for the digital resources evaluation in academic libraries.
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