[Purpose/significance] Compared with adults, the forming process of teenagers' Internet using behaviors is more complicated and unique. The study on influential factors will be useful for promoting teenagers' digital literacy, regulating teenagers' Internet using behaviors and avoiding creating new digital poverty in teenagers.[Method/process] Under the direction of grounded theory methodology, the paper made interviews in 20 locations of fieldsurveys including central areas, east areas, west areas, north areas and south areas of China. By using three-encoding method, the paper analyzes teenagers' Internet using behaviors, influential factors and their working mechanism on teenagers' Internet using behaviors.[Result/conclusion] The usefulness of technological capital, media space and social network is external and objective. However individual capital plays an internal and subjective role on teenagers' Internet using behaviors. Before 12-year-old, teenagers are affected by their parents, teachers and family members firstly. But they are much more influenced by their individual capital, classmates, friends and other people with aging. So the small world of teenagers' Internet using behaviors is a three-dimensional space which consists of age, influential factors and behaviors themselves.
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