[Purpose/significance] In order to know the differences between the traditional media microblogging and the new media microblogging in terms of communication rules and features, and push forward the media microblogging in a comprehensive way, it is necessary to identify the media microblogging nodes which have great influence on the media. [Method/process] On the basis of the social network theory, 50 samples, including both the traditional media microblogging and the new media microblogging, were selected for the study. Their social network architectural features were measured and information communication rules were analyzed. [Result/conclusion] According to the study, it is found that the network for the traditional media microblogging and the new media microblogging are both dense. Actually, the traditional media microblogging is denser than the new media microblogging. Besides, the communication of the traditional media microblogging is more convenient than that of the new media microblogging and the information transfer is more efficient. The coherency of the network node will be stronger. For the traditional media microblogging, the paper media microblogging has absolute advantages; for the new media microblogging, all kinds of the media microblogging are developed in a balanced way; for the new media microblogging, the power is more concentrated so that we can see there is a trend of polarization. For the traditional media microblogging, the development is more balanced.
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