[目的/意义] 研究Altmetrics指标的主要特征及其与传统文献计量指标的相关性,以及它们随时间的演化情况;同时,基于Altmetrics指标全面评价学术论文的社会影响力和学术影响力,对于发展和完善Altmetrics计量系统至关重要。[方法/过程] 以2014-2016年Altmetric Top 100论文为样本,对每年的高Altmetrics指标论文的来源期刊、学科分布、获取方式、作者地域及研究机构分布进行统计分析,并讨论这些论文的社会影响力,同时对论文的Altmetric分数与其Web of Science上的被引频次进行相关性分析,研究相关性随时间的动态演化。[结果/结论] 研究结果表明,高Altmetrics指标论文主要来源于一些高影响因子期刊,其学科主要集中于医疗健康与生物科学,论文作者主要来自于欧美发达国家的高水平研究机构,且高Altmetrics指标论文中开放及自由获取的比例逐年增加;Altmetric分数能够定量地反映学术论文在社交和新闻媒体上被公众关注的程度,从而在一定程度上体现出学术论文的社会影响力;高Altmetrics指标论文的Altmetric分数与其被引频次存在一定正相关,表明高Altmetrics指标论文同时具有较高的学术影响力。
[Purpose/significance] Investigating the main features and the correlation with conventional bibliometric indicators of Altmetrics, the variation of features and correlation with the time, and its comprehensive evaluation on both social and academic influences of academic papers are crucial for both development and improvement of Altmetrics.[Method/process] In this paper, we took Altmetric Top 100 papers from 2014 to 2016 as samples, analyzed their source journal, discipline category, access method and authors' affiliation, and further discussed their social influence. At the same time, we investigated the relationship between Altmetric scores of these Altmetric Top 100 papers and their citation counts from Web of Science, and the variation of such relationship with the time.[Result/conclusion] The results showed that most papers with high Altmetric scores are from high-profile journals with high impact factors, and are in fields of medical & health sciences and biological sciences. Most authors of these papers with high Altmetric scores are from the institutes with high research level in United States of America, United Kingdom and Germany. The fraction of free-accessed papers in the papers with high Altmetric scores increases annually. Altmetric score can quantitatively reflect the amount of attention that the social medias pay to the academic papers, which to some extent indicates the social influence of these academic papers. Altmetric scores of Altmetric Top 100 papers positively correlate their citation counts, implying that these papers with high Altmetric scores have significant academic influence.
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