[目的/意义] 构建公共图书馆创客空间用户使用意愿影响因素模型,为改善公共图书馆创客空间的运营提出建议。[方法/过程] 以技术接受与使用整合理论为基础,结合公共图书馆创客空间及用户特征,构建公共图书馆创客空间用户使用意愿影响因素模型,并设计问卷,以公共图书馆创客空间用户作为调查对象,通过线上线下的方式收集数据,采用结构方程模型的方法对数据进行分析。[结果/结论] 绩效期望、趣味感知、服务质量感知和个体创新性对公共图书馆创客空间的用户使用意愿具有显著正向影响,从满足用户绩效期望、增强用户趣味感知、提升服务质量和提高创新性4个方面对公共图书馆创客空间运营提出建议。
[Purpose/significance] This study constructs a model about use intention in public library makerspace in order to provide reference for improving public library makerspace operation. [Method/process] The model about use intention in public library makerspace is based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, considering the library makerspace' and users' characteristics. We design questionnaires to collect raw data from users of public libraries through the way online and offline, and use structural equation modeling to analyze the data. [Result/conclusion] Performance expectation, perceived enjoy, perceived service quality and personal innovation have a significant positive influence on the user's willingness to use in the public library makerspace, so we make suggestions for improving public library makerspace operation in satisfying users' performance expectation, enhancing users' perceived enjoyment, promoting service quality and improving innovation.
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