[Purpose/significance] Aiming at the problem of low matching degree of information organization and retrieval demand caused by the rapid growth of electronic dance music digital resources, this paper tries to construct a demand model of electronic dance music information retrieval to guide the organization of electronic dance music information under the new network environment. [Method/process] Through the retrieval experiment of mainstream music platforms in China, the paper drew the outline of the interviews of the electronic dance music retrieval needs, and then used the grounded theory to explore the music information retrieval needs of the electronic dance music listeners and constructed the information retrieval demand model. [Result/conclusion] The study found that the audience demand of electronic dance music has "growth", which connects the aesthetic subject (audience) and aesthetic object (music) of the audience information retrieval needs, and the internal promotion of "growth" is the Matthew effect of information needs. The research indicated that the information organization of electronic dance music needs to balance the core dimensions such as subjective feelings, external description, content elements and production process. The paper can provide a reference for the organization of electronic dance music information under the new network environment.
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