[Purpose/significance] Science and technology innovation is an important strategic support for modern economic system. After the reform and opening up, in order to promote China's economic development, China government introduced and implemented a series of science and technology policy aims to promote the development of science and technology. However, how is the founding effect of these science and technology and policies, how the changes in founding effects in the historical cycle of science and technology policy have caused wide spread concern.[Method/process] This paper conducted an empirical research of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Earth Science Project that has been in operation for 20 years(JieQing fund) as an example. In order to overcome the endogeneity problem caused by sample selection bias,the study used DID model to assess the effect of fund for distinguished young on the research papers output efficiency of scientists, and put forward the "environment-motivation-behavior" model to explain the research result.[Result/conclusion] The empirical results show that between 1994 to 2008, the significant funding effect of JieQing fund reached 12 years, with a significant proportion 80%. Scientists who have received JieQing fund(JieQing Scientists) were able to published more 0.412 to 3.234 papers per year than those who have not received JieQing fund. After data conversion,compared with other scientists who in the same period(Same period Scientists) of JieQing Scientists, JieQing scientists can published more 0.426-3.277 papers per year. The largest funded effect of JieQing fund was in 2002, but the funding effect was not significant in 2007 and 2008. When evaluating the effect of science and technology policy support, the control group can be constructed by this method in this paper to achieve the research purpose of causal effect inference.
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