[目的/意义] 新时代下,跨部门的信息资源共享已经成为加快政府职能转变,提高政府服务效率和透明度的重要事业。明确目前政府信息资源共享有效实施的关键因素,无论对于政府准确把脉行动方向还是学界聚焦政府信息共享的根源性问题都有着重要的意义。[方法/过程] 通过综合集成法梳理出近年来被学界所关注的8个维度的政府信息资源共享影响因素,通过复杂系统DEMATEL模型,构建政府信息资源共享影响因素的关系矩阵。[结果/结论] 经测算,本研究发现11个影响政府信息资源共享实施的关键因素,这些关键因素主要集中在法规政策与标准维度、体制维度、机制维度和技术维度上。
[Purpose/significance] In the "new era", cross-boundary sharing of government information resource has become an important issue for accelerating the transformation of government functions and improving the efficiency and transparency of government services. It is very important to clarify the influencing factors of the effective government information resources sharing for both the government to understand management tendency and the scholars to focus on the underlying problems of information resource sharing. This study is to explore the key influencing factors of cross-boundary government information resources sharing in China.[Method/process] The paper used the method of qualitative meta-synthesis to tease out a set of government information resources sharing influencing factors which are divided into eight dimensions. The DEMATEL model of complex system is used to build a government information resources sharing influencing factors matrix based on the relationships between the factors.[Result/conclusion] By calculation, it is found that 11 key influencing factors of government information resources sharing, and these key influencing factors are mainly in the dimensions of laws, regulations, policies and standard, the dimension of management system, the dimension of management mechanism and the dimension of information technology.
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