[目的/意义] 针对移动APP用户隐私信息泄露日益严重的现象,分析评价隐私信息泄露风险,有利于保护移动APP用户隐私,促进信息平台健康发展。[方法/过程] 分析移动APP用户隐私信息泄露风险,构建用户隐私信息泄露风险评价指标体系,运用网络分析法(ANP)与熵权法综合确定指标组合权重,应用模糊综合评价法对移动社交APP进行实证分析。[结果/结论] 所构建的移动APP用户隐私信息泄露风险评价指标体系具有一定的科学性与实用性,指标体系中APP平台原因造成隐私泄露的风险最高,用户原因造成隐私的泄露其次。整体上用户隐私泄露风险派派最高,微信最低,但都接近中等风险。为降低移动社交APP用户隐私信息泄露风险,移动用户、APP平台以及监管部门各方应当针对不同APP的不同情况,有侧重地采取措施。
[Purpose/significance] Aiming at the increasingly serious privacy information leakage of mobile APP users, this paper analyzes and evaluates the disclosure risks of privacy information and provides suggestions for risk response, which helps to protect the privacy of mobile APP users and promote the healthy development of information platform.[Method/process] This paper analyzes the risk of privacy information disclosure of mobile APP users and constructs the index system of risk assessment of users' privacy information disclosure. It uses the analytic network process (ANP) and entropy method to synthetically determine the index weight of portfolio. Finally this paper applies the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to make an empirical analysis of mobile social networking APPs.[Result/conclusion] The mobile APP user privacy information disclosure evaluation index system has certain scientificalness and practicality. Among the index system, the APP platform reason has the highest risk of privacy disclosure and the users reason secondly. On the whole, Paipai has the highest users' risk of privacy leaks and WeChat has the lowest risk, but all are close to medium risk. In order to reduce the risk of privacy information disclosure of mobile social APP users, mobile users, APPs and regulatory authorities should focus on the different situations of different APPs and take measures with emphasis.
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