[Purpose/significance] Along with the increasing advance of the modern digital technology, digital reading has become the main reading mode. Through comparison and analysis of digital reading and paper reading, this paper clarifies the relationship between digital reading and paper reading, and provides reference for optimizing the digital resource construction and reading promotion service in our country.[Method/process] This paper reviews the literature on digital reading and paper reading in foreign countries, and finds that there are three clusters resulting from comparative study. They are reading preference, reading comprehension and reading experience. Therefore, the paper is analyzed in detail from these three aspects.[Result/conclusion] The foreign literatures mainly use the methods of experiment, questionnaire survey, depth interview, eye-tracking measures and electroencephalogram (EEG) to study the characteristics and differences of digital reading and paper reading. Digital reading and paper reading in different aspects present their own unique advantages and regularities. In the digital age, the two parties should complement each other. This paper puts forward the enlightenment to China's related research and library reading promotion service.
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