[Purpose/significance] Taking the interdisciplinary project of University of Wisconsin-Madison as a case, this paper analyzes the laws and influencing factors of interdisciplinary team member information exchange from the perspective of informatics, and reveals inter-disciplinary teams' institutional cooperation and discipline cooperation rules. It contributes to the research of peer interdisciplinary teams and the promotion of cross-disciplinary team building and interdisciplinary cooperation. [Method/process] The paper obtained the first-hand data of team members in the aspects of information exchanges, institutions and disciplines from the case, analyzed the impact of the number of information exchanges on team cooperation by the statistical method, and analyzed the organization cooperation and subject cooperation through the complex network analysis technique. [Result/conclusion] Information exchange has a significant impact on the team cooperation. The number of team members is not the only key factor affecting the number of team communications, it is also influenced by the diversity of the disciplines and the complexity of the research content. We suggest to build an information contact system and an effective interdisciplinary research entity, and allocate rationally the discipline proportions of team members.
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