[Purpose/significance] This paper aims at summarizing the transition and development of digital resources construction, especially the second one triggered by open resources, and probing the future development direction of digital resources construction in the research libraries. [Method/process] This paper takes the Libraries of Chinese Academy of Sciences as an example to scrutinize the practice and effectiveness of the digital resources construction, and to anticipate the future development based on the construction of comprehensive science and technology resources and open resources, as well as the connection and presentation of knowledge elements. [Result/conclusion] Research libraries are faced with many problems in the transition of digital resources construction. The following suggestions are proposed in this paper:①developing the detailed digital resources construction schemas; ②allocating funds, manpower and technology rationally; ③clarifying use right of open resources and promoting open access movement; ④strengthening inter-library cooperation and sharing of open resources construction; ⑤strengthening cross-border cooperation in knowledge resources organization.
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