[Purpose/significance] Mobile Internet environment, for the realization of the value of university library, through the reading to promote the brand operation and brand community for reading education, guidance, tries to offer reference for reading brand creation in colleges and universities. [Method/process] Drama "the kite" rehearsal in xiangtan university library as an example, is involved in reading the process of brand creation, brand operation and so on characteristics, experience factor, the analysis shows that the university library reading brand creation, the first thing you need to play to the role of the reading brand community, further strengthen the reading promotion of the brand operation makes readers community library the founder of the brand. Second need to enhance the consciousness of the librarian management, from the design of the brand management, brand positioning, brand communication, system for education and guidance, so as to realize our country university library reading promotion level and level of ascension. [Result/conclusion] The establishment of the university library reading brand is an innovative service based on marketing thinking and the public cultural service is carried out according to the management concept. The readers involved in reading in the process of brand creation need to look at, reasonable by librarians specialist is responsible for making use of network technology, give play to the role of digital community, using the reading community word of mouth function to realize the brand creation.
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