[Purpose/significance] To study the influence of time factor on patent cited frequency can reduce the restriction of time factor on technical evaluation activities and improve the accuracy and reliability of evaluation.[Method/process] This paper collected U.S. patent data from 1975 to 2017, and carried out the revision study of patent cited frequency based on fixed effect method. The patents were grouped according to different publication years and different technical fields. Group mean and six TOP quantiles were selected as the benchmarks of patent cited frequency, and the benchmarks of patent cited frequency for both the current time point and the historical time series were counted. Then a neural network model was established to fit the timing variation of the benchmarks, thus predicting the benchmarks of future statistical time points.[Result/conclusion] The time difference between publication years and statistical years of patents makes it impossible to directly compare patent citations. This paper establishes benchmarks for patent citations based on different technical fields, different publication years and different statistical years, providing reference for patent evaluation.
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