[Purpose/significance] The paper compared and analyzed the undergraduate and master education in Chinese and American universities to provide reference for future medical informatics education in China.[Method/process] Taking the opening time and college level as the selection criteria, 10 representative universities from China and the United States were selected as the research objects. Through online research, the paper comprehensively analyzed the general situation of medical informatics education in China and the United States from the aspects of basic requirements, curriculum, teacher strength, teaching methods and employment prospects.[Result/conclusion] Although China has made some achievements in medical informatics education after decades of exploration and practice, compared with the United States, China still has some shortcomings. In terms of basic requirements for admission, China mainly concentrates on the undergraduate education so that the high-level personnel training system is imperfect; in terms of curriculum, the content of courses is monotonous and the proportion of non-medical basic courses is too high, and the interdisciplinary integration is not obvious; in terms of teachers' strength, the teacher's subject background is single and the distribution of teachers' professional titles is unbalanced; in terms of education and teaching methods, the teaching methods are simple and there are fewer practical opportunities for students; in terms of employment prospects, students knowledge system is not systematic and the employment prospects are limited. Therefore, China should conform to the development requirements of the big data science research paradigm, speed up the cultivation of high-level medical informatics; improve the curriculum and content settings, broaden the scope of subject knowledge system; optimize the allocation of teachers to attract multi-disciplinary background talents; enrich training methods, and pay attention to the combination of theory and practice.
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